Enterprises adopting cloud computing has become an emerging trend for digital transformation. The market is full of cloud service providers, what would be the tipping points for a company to choose from plenty of options? Which cloud service types suit your business rather than plunging into brand myths? It is your decision, we clarify the differences from types of cloud to help tailor your digital journey.

Every business is somehow using a cloud service from different providers such as Google CloudMicrosoft Azure, AWSSAPOracleIBM Cloud, and so on. As you see for businesses, there are plenty of options. But the other thing we need to consider is what type of cloud service we want to use regardless of any brand name that we just mentioned.


We will try to explain each computing environment so that you will have a better understanding of what is the difference between those options.

Private Cloud

refers to an organization or group to use proprietary computing power exclusively. This can happen either that organization has its own data centers to store organization owned on-premises data center or third-party provided infrastructure has an agreement with a third-party provider. In a private cloud, all resources and infrastructure are dedicated to one organization to meet their specific IT needs. Simply put, it is specifically customized for an enterprise’s needs.


Private Cloud

Public Cloud

Infrastructure Single-Tenant, which means network and hardware managed by an in-house team. Multi-Tenant refers to a shared network and managed by the service provider.
Business requirement Security, Customization, Great Performance, and Control Flexibility Relatively offers affordable solutions which usually require a room for improvement.
Best use Provide high protection of data and various apps Public-facing services, Disaster recovery, and testing application.
Scalability Managed in-house Depends on service level agreement but most of the time, it is easy by using a self-managed tool
Support and Maintenance In-house technical staff The service provider’s technical staff
Cost CapEx. It requires high costs to implement hardware, software and staff training OpEx. Pay as you go. 

What are the benefits of using a private cloud? 

It is customizable. So it provides flexibility for businesses. 
Since it is exclusive to one organization, so-called single-tenant environment. Only members within the organization are authorized to access the private cloud, which makes the private cloud well-secured.

Public Cloud

is accessible through the Internet, where customers share the resources, known as a multi-tenant environment. This is the most common type that is being used for cloud deployment. All services are provided by a third-party provider such as Google Cloud, Azure, AWS. For example, business emails, online office applications…etc.  

What are the benefits of using a public cloud?  

  • The cost is low or there is even no cost of using public cloud services. No need to purchase software or hardware. Pay-as-you-go public cloud business allows customers to lower the costs instead of one-off infrastructure purchasing.
  • Since everything is provided by a third-party provider, no need for maintenance. reduce dedicated in-house maintenance to manage infrastructure workload.  
  • Another great advantage is it is almost unlimited to use. All resources can be provisioned at any time and as much as you want. 
  • Those third-party providers such as Google Cloud, have proven security and reliability in this business, which mitigate security concerns. So, security is not an issue.

Hybrid Cloud 

Relying on only private or public clouds is not enough for your business? Then let us introduce hybrid clouds which consist of both private and public clouds so that you can take advantage of them both. 

In hybrid cloud deployment, the data or sources are integrated between private and public clouds seamlessly. For example, you may use a public cloud for your emails and use a private cloud for your financial reports to keep things in the organization exclusively. It gives greater flexibility for enterprises.  

The hybrid cloud model enhances flexibility more than the previous two models. Along with business needs changes, business workloads are allowed to flow among clouds. Therefore, highly dynamic business demands could leverage a hybrid cloud to respond to business needs efficiently.

In practice, imagine that you use Gmail service for your business emails which are provided by Google and it is public. On the other hand, you may use one of the on-premises data centers for your internal HR process and employee payments which only the HR department and CEO can access and edit.


When it comes to multi-cloud, it simply refers to an organization having multiple public clouds. A private cloud might or might not be included. Some companies get cloud services from different providers but they are not integrated. Each of them is separated and used for different purposes. 

The reason why some enterprises use a multi-cloud option is that they want to reduce their risk by using more than one cloud provider. They keep their services or system in different clouds so if there is a problem with one cloud provider, they can switch to the other cloud provider so that the company’s operations or services will continue.

The main differences between multi-cloud vs. hybrid cloud

  • Unlike in the multi-cloud, in the hybrid cloud, different clouds are used for different tasks, the components are integrated. They are not independent of each other. 
  • Hybrid clouds always include both private and public clouds, whereas, in multi-clouds, usually include public clouds but it may also include a private cloud. 

CloudMile, Google Cloud Premier Partner, can help you to choose which cloud service can fit your business and then implement it seamlessly. If you want to learn more, do not hesitate to contact CloudMile.

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